Impressions Classic Days, Dyck Castle, 2018
A wonderful meeting of friends of automotive culture in sunny weather and hot temperatures.
The ALPINA debut at the Classic Days at Dyck Castle in North Rhine-Westphalia was a full success. Customers, enthusiasts and members of the ALPINA community were thrilled, and some even travelled from as far as Sweden. The presentation of a total of 14 BMW ALPINA models – in addition to the great legends of the company’s 50-year history also the most recent models – attracted a large audience. Visitors to the festival were after all able to experience the beautiful classics in action – something you don’t get to see every day. At the ALPINA special race, which took place on Saturday and Sunday, the 1800 ti, B7 S Turbo, B10 Bi-Turbo, 2800 CS or 3.0 CSL models were given the opportunity to sniff some racing air. It was also very special to see Peter Oberndorfer climb back into “his” M3 Group A once again after 30 years and drive the racing powerhouse on the circuit in the Touring Cars Classics & DTM category.
Last but not least, ALPINA also presented its second business sector at the stand to the delight of many visitors. The selected wines from the ALPINA range perfectly and particularly suitably rounded off the enjoyable and sunny-hot classics weekend, since both wines that were served come from winegrowers with a prominent automotive background: The profound and complex LOTO 2011 red from Prof. Wolfgang Reitzle’s VILLA SANTO STEFANO in Tuscany, as well as the spicy-intense GRASSNITZBURG Sauvignon Blanc by Dr. Bernd Pischetsrieder from South Styria